Monday, October 18, 2010

Christmas Shirts Sneak Peak

As Hobby Lobby was rolling out its Christmas stuff in August (no lie), I rolled my eyes and told Hudson that mommy just couldn't handle Christmas "stuff" yet. Well, it's late October. A turkey is about it for a November design. So that leaves Christmas. I've got some cute ideas and embroidery designs that I'm excited to start. Really cute things coming for BOYS! I'm not naive enough to think that somebody hasn't come up with a naughty/nice design set. However, I have not seen it and thought it would be a cute idea. I need a word other than cute, but its late, I've worked the late shift tonight, so cute is staying. Anywho, I'm having the boys pics with Santa done in these. Most 2 sibling families I can think of, the nice shirt goes to the first born, and naughty to the second. Love my B, but he gets the naughty shirt ;) He's really not naughty, just expresses his opinion and gets into more than my easy going, cautious first child. Many more designs to come in the next few weeks. I've got over a dozen turkey shirts to finish for your little turkeys. As always, short sleeve shirts are $15 single, $12 multiple, and long sleeves are $18 single and $15 multiple.

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